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Sticks and Stones “Lithiasis– The Root Cause of Disease”

Every living organism takes earth, air, fire and water and through a complex series of chemical reactions, creates a structure, one cell at a time, which gives the organism a specific shape and a specific function. Within earth, air, fire and water are basic elements identified in the periodic chart of elements by unique combinations of atomic energy: protons, neutrons and electrons. The elements have been given names such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, selenium, cadmium, lithium, barium, iodine, tellurium, radium, lead, and mercury, etc. These basic elements are used by plants, animals, humans and microbes in thousands of enzyme driven chemical reactions to make chemical structures called primary metabolites: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. Nucleic acids are made from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorous. Proteins are made from carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. Carbohydrates are made from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fats are made from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and phosphorous. Primary metabolites give shape to DNA, cell walls, cell organelles and cell enzymes and create a nervous system, a circulatory system, a digestive system, a waste disposal system and a communication system. The basic elements also are the building blocks of something else called secondary metabolites, chemical structures made by plants, animals, humans and microbes to ensure survival and provide for interspecies defense. Yes, each species must protect itself from all other species, because chemical exchange between species has toxicity. And to be perfectly clear, the chemicals being discussed are 100% all natural, found within the natural chemical structure of all living organisms. Only those individuals who have learned to navigate the chemical world, found 99.9% of the time in natural, whole foods, will live optimally well.

All told, there are hundreds of thousands of chemicals made by plants, animals, microbes and human beings. Since chemicals are different across species, organisms with different shapes, different structures and unique functions are created. The structure and function of a tree is different from the structure and function of a bacterium, is different from the structure and function of a lion, is different from the structure and function of a human being. Different shapes equal different structures, equal different chemicals. These differences can be seen not only with the naked eye, but also under the magnification of an electron microscope. The laws of stereochemistry (shape chemistry) dictate that chemical structures in cellular machinery have to be the right shape to perform a designated function on the factory floor of the cell. This is demonstrated as a lock and key model as shown in Figure 1. Chemical reactions based on a “lock and key model” keep organic matter alive. Chemicals that are not the right shape do not function in chemical reactions, and in fact, block the function of enzymes responsible for making the chemical reactions happen in the first place. Blocking enzyme function, also called shape inhibition, is one of the primary mechanisms of toxicity in the human body and is the mechanism by which pharmaceutical drugs, microbial chemicals, animal chemicals, whether natural or synthetic, and plant chemicals, whether organic or not, exert their effects.

Figure 1

Plant chemicals do not function in microbial systems, do not function in animal systems, and do not function in human systems and vice versa. The chemical structure of plant cells and plant enzymes is different from the chemical structure of human cells and human enzymes, is different from the chemical structure of microbial cells and microbial enzymes. Plants live under very harsh conditions and structure with different ratios of minerals, especially nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous, a very hot element. In addition to the low atomic weight minerals used by human cells, all plants contain minerals of high atomic weight, also called heavy metals. Heavy metals provide a moisture barrier in roots, bark, and seed coats, provide strength to support the upright nature of a plant and are critical in making the secondary metabolites of a plant’s defense system. Plants store energy as starch and glycosides, which have a different structure from glycogen and fat in humans. Plants structure with carbohydrate fiber called cellulose. Plant fiber does not nourish human cells. Plant fiber adds bulk to a bowel movement, but does not produce healthy colon cells. Plant fiber also prevents absorption of essential nutrients, especially zinc.

In addition, plants make secondary metabolites called polyketides, isoprenoids, phenylpropanoids and flavonoids, none of which are found in human cellular metabolism. Research at the Linus Pauling Institute and the European Food Safety Authority shows that flavanoids are poorly absorbed in the human body (less than 5%), with most of what is absorbed quickly metabolized and excreted.

It is not the chemicals in food desired by human cells. The “gold” the human cell seeks from food is locked within the structure of plant and animal chemicals: energy and elements which are building blocks for structure and function in a human body. Like an assayer with a seemingly worthless rock, the human cell performs chemical reactions to unlock the energy from chemical bonds in food and harvest the basic elements from which everything necessary for human life is constructed. This process is optimal if what Paracelsus knew so long ago, “all things are poison, and nothing is without poison” is tempered with the wisdom of Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, MD, “within the substance that contains the poison is also the cure”. Let’s find out how this is done!

Since plants, animals, humans and microbes all depend on an external source for sustenance and all life is structured with chemicals, nutrition is about chemical exchange and chemical reaction. Nutrition is the wholesale transfer of chemicals from one species to another. Nutrition contains the basic elements which human cells need, but nutrition also contains substances which are, in fact, harmful to cell function. The negative aspect of food must be addressed if optimal health is to be achieved. The key to optimal human health is to maintain an enzyme system capable of reducing chemicals to cell nutrients with the least amount of waste, the least amount energy expenditure and the least amount of toxicity. Optimal health requires moving beyond nutrition to cell nourishment.

Cell nourishment is meeting the needs of the cells. Cell nourishment requires chemical reaction to release energy and basic elements from food. Chemical reactions are driven by enzymes. Cell nourishment requires maintaining an enzyme surplus. Enzymes must take plant or animal proteins, break upwards of 25,000 chemical bonds to end up with 9 essential amino acids, which are then reassembled by thousands of enzyme reactions, making new chemical bonds and producing human proteins like collagen, muscle tissue, elastic tissue, bone tissue, organ tissue, metabolic enzymes, a transportation system and a communication system. To illustrate the protein breakdown and reassembly process with molecular models, Figure 2 shows the structure of a large, tightly packed plant protein, composed of hundreds of amino acids, reduced to an individual amino acid and then restructured in a completely different form as human collagen, containing numerous amino acids in a completely different form.

Figure 2

Human metabolic enzymes, in an identical process to collagen formation, take plant starch, break upwards of 10,000 chemical bonds to release glucose molecules which are then reconstructed through hundreds of enzyme reactions into glycogen (human starch) or fat. Plant starch is made up of multiple glucose units, as is human glycogen, but each structure requires the chemical combination of multiple glucose units in different shapes and with different types of chemical bonds. (Figure 3)

Figure 3

DNA from animal cells, microbial cells and GMO or non-GMO plants are not inserted into human cells and do not function as genetic information in human cells. DNA from animal cells, microbial cells and GMO and non-GMO plants is broken down by hydrochloric acid in the stomach and by nuclease enzymes in individual cells to produce purine and pyrimidine bases which will construct new human DNA. (Figure 4) Dietary fats, up to 22 units long, have to be broken down in a complex series of enzyme reactions to either produce energy or used in the construction of cell membranes or make communication molecules.

Figure 4

In the presence of an enzyme deficit, too many calories, or non-scientific food selection and preparation, dietary protein, dietary starch, dietary sugars, dietary fat or dietary genetic material is not broken down into the small pieces needed by the cells for nourishment. This undigested organic matter, is now floating trash in the fluids of the body: blood, lymph fluid, eye fluid, joint fluid, brain and spinal fluid, ear fluid, urine, bile, respiratory fluids, digestive fluids, prostate and vaginal fluids and sweat. In the presence of body heat and an enzyme deficit, this floating trash overwhelms the ability of the system to keep it dissolved and disposed of as “waste”. When the trash can no longer be dissolved or removed, it crystallizes out of solution, lodging in fluid carrying structures or in 70 trillion crevices at the doorway to every cell in the body. (This process is similar to a white powder appearing at the bottom of a pitcher of tea to which too much sugar has been added. The tea is only able to hold only so much sugar in solution. The excess falls to the bottom as a solid powder). Crystallized solid waste pollutes body fluids and obstructs blood and nutrient flow to the cells. Because there is no mechanism within the body to remove this solid waste once it lodges in body tissues, the obstruction is permanent. And without breaking the cycle, trash is piled on top of trash and becomes tougher and tougher with each passing day. Solid waste produced by the inadequate processing of food chemicals is the second mechanism of health disruption in the human body.

Debris accumulates not only in the fluids of the body, but within the cells themselves. Because the cells are limited in the number of enzymes that can be maintained on a daily basis, only a limited amount of chemical processing can happen during any given day. If the type and amount of food or other substances consumed, such as herbs, vitamins, supplements, alcohol and recreational drugs exceeds the processing capabilities of the cell, then unprocessed chemicals, this time from human metabolism, fall to the factory floor as organic waste. (This process is similar to a classic I Love Lucy episode in a candy factory, where Lucy and Ethel can’t keep up with their job to wrap candies as fast as the conveyor belt brings the candy to them. Eventually, there is unwrapped chocolate candy everywhere, except back on the conveyor belt, and a huge pile of mess!) Organic waste inside the cell, which includes mineral debris, in the presence of enzyme heat and body heat bakes into rock-hard matter, making the cell hard and non-functional.

Organic life is about chemical reactions. As has been shown, these chemical reactions involve heat, mineral elements, proteins, carbohydrates and fats and other complex chemical structures. Chemical reactions create corrosion. Corrosion in the human body is complex salts containing minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fat and debris from dead cells. Corrosive salts are hard as rocks. These “rocks”, called lithiasis, stones, calcification, concretions, gouty deposits, calcareous deposits or plaque are at the root of every disease Corrosion is the process that creates plaque in arteries and heart valves, arthritis in joints, microcalcifications in breast tissue, calcifications in the prostate gland and testicles, sclerotic calcification in the lens, calcification in the pancreas, gallstones, tonsil stones, salivary duct stones, enteroliths causing intestinal blockage, kidney stones, bladder stones, plaque in the brain of dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, the plaque of multiple sclerosis, calcifications in the muscles of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and muscular dystrophy, the plaque of amyloidosis, the plaque of autoimmune disease and the plaque associated with all cancer. All disease involves hardening of the body and all hardening involves the calcification and corrosion of chemical reaction. The calcification process even extends into the DNA of the cell, where stones lodge and prevent translation of genetic information, either during enzyme production or during the process of procreation. Calcification and stone formation, therefore, is also the root cause of genetic disease.

Ponder the cremated remains of a human body as shown in Figure 5. The ashes are not only composed of bone fragments, but contain other mineral elements which have not vaporized, even in the intense heat of a 1400-1800°F degree oven. These non-bone mineral elements were lodged potentially anywhere during a person’s lifetime, including in sperm and in ova. Ashes have a unique mineral signature that is a recording of, not only the dietary habits and environmental influences of the deceased, but also a recording of the mineral remains of thousands of years of genetic inheritance.

Figure 5

In conclusion, science explains to the root cause of disease. Substances that are consumed, primarily foods, whether natural or synthetic, require chemical processing. Some chemicals can be fully processed in the human body; other chemicals cannot, including chemicals in 100%, all natural foods. Chemical processing creates corrosion, otherwise known as stone formation or lithiasis. Lithiasis creates blockages to blood and nutrient flow, preventing cells from making enzymes or manufacturing hormones, neurotransmitters, new cells and structural components that allow life to happen in a human body. Unprocessed saturated fat from avocados, coconut oil, all nuts and seeds and butter are floating globs of wax that become permanent blockages to cell nourishment. Unprocessed protein from plants or animal sources combined with minerals and/or unprocessed starch from pasta, rice, grains, or potatoes create complex concretions and amyloid plaque that affect every organ system in the body. Unprocessed proteins, carbohydrates and fats bake in the body and, just like the hard crust of baked lasagna, are resistant to removal.

Science not only explains the disease process, but also provides the solution, which requires following a specific recipe, just like cooking and baking, also chemical reactions. Human cellular metabolism is not magic. Through a series of well defined steps, human cellular metabolism has the capability to process chemicals smoothly and efficiently, but only if the laws of nature are followed. Optimal health requires eating for an enzyme surplus, so that enzymes are available to fully process food and other chemicals into elements used for construction of cell machinery and to eliminate the chemical waste created in the process. Eating for an enzyme surplus involves careful selection and preparation of foods and eliminating foods and other substances, including herbal supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, alcohol, tobacco and other recreational substances that cannot be processed in the body without creating permanent chemical debris.

All is not lost, even when chemical debris has concretized in the body. Initial work toward this end was completed in the 19th century by Dr. Hahnemann who identified allopathic, homœopathic, isopathic and enantiopathic methods of drug delivery. In the 20th century, quantum spectroscopy and chromatography helped refine Dr. Hahnemann’s work and develop a technique called ionization which dissolves solid debris in the body back into body fluids and restores function of the cell. Ionization is what happens when crystals of table salt dissolve in water or when heat is applied to a mixture of tea, water and sugar, causing the crystals to disappear into the liquid, leaving evidence of the sugar’s continued presence in the sweet taste of the beverage. Understanding that nature is photoelectric energy, chemistry, and ionization, homoeopathic research, basic science research and quantum physics have shown the way to therapeutic ionization and applied therapeutic science called Symptometry, a new approach to living well in a disease free body. Stay tuned for more information!

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717 Green Valley Road Ste 200

Greensboro, NC  27408-2516

Elizabeth A Wanek, MD
The Wanek Medical Center

Tel: 1 336 545 1020

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